The Consultative Committee of ITC Trust Fund (CCITF)

The CCITF reviews the use of funds available through the ITC Trust Fund in consultation with the ITC CCITF Secretariat and referencing ITC's strategic documents.

CCITF reviews ITC progress

The CCITF reviews the general orientation of the planned use of available funds, on the basis of discussions with the ITC CCITF Secretariat and referencing ITC’s Strategic Plan and Operational Plans.

The Committee also reviews periodically the progress made in the implementation of ITC’s strategic and operational plans, taking note of the reports by the ITC CCITF Secretariat on the actual use of the fund. It makes recommendations for future reorientation or comments for consideration by JAG, if deemed appropriate.

The Committee meets twice a year, or more frequently if and when required.

More information about CCITF can be found in the Terms of Reference of the Committee.

30th meeting of the CCITF

29th meeting of the CCITF

The 29th CCITF meeting took place on 28 May 2024. The committee reviewed the CCITF Report Jan - December 2023.

28th meeting of the CCITF

The 28th CCITF meeting took place on 17 October 2023. The committee reviewed the CCITF Report Jan - June 2023.

27th meeting of the CCITF


The 27th CCITF meeting took place on 2 June 2023. The committee reviewed the CCITF Report Jan - Dec 2022.

26th meeting of the CCITF

25th meeting of the CCITF

24th meeting of the CCITF

23rd meeting of the CCITF

22nd meeting of the CCITF

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