Everything you need to know, from our latest news and events to topical data and interviews
Whether you are writing about small scale-farmers exporting coffee and coconuts, refugees trying to earn a decent income through digital commerce or how fabrics are used in transforming top fashion into a sustainable industry, we have the data and information you need.
We can offer you interviews with experts on country-specific trade challenges and successes, statistics on imports and exports, and evidence-based facts on how the latest news developments might impact millions of lives in the developing world.
You can also find out the latest on sustainable trade, e-commerce, women’s empowerment, youth entrepreneurs, and inclusive business practices.
Yes, you may use the information available on our website citing the International Trade Centre.
Yes, you may quote directly from an interview or comment from a third party as shown in an article on the ITC website citing the International Trade Centre.
You can obtain a country’s trade statistics from our Trade Map, which provides tables, graphs and maps on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies. Our Trade Map covers 220 countries and territories and 5300 products.
Yes, you may use quotes from ITC videos that you find on ITC YouTube or LinkedIn channels citing the person and ITC.
Please send us your request at press [at] intracen.org and we will help arrange an interview if the person referenced authorizes us to do so.
Please send us details about your interview at press [at] intracen.org and we will be happy to help organize the appropriate interview for you.
Yes, the International Trade Centre is a multilateral agency which has a joint mandate with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
ITC is the only multilateral agency fully dedicated to supporting the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Its joint mandate combines a focus on expanding trade opportunities with the aim of fostering sustainable development.
We work in approximately 128 countries around the world, with a special focus on developing and least developed countries. Our objective is to work towards an inclusive, sustainable and prosperous world through trade.