Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day
Raising awareness of small businesses’ contribution to sustainable development and the global economy
The United Nations General Assembly has declared 27 June as Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) Day. As the UN entity supporting the internationalization of MSMEs, we celebrate the day with our partners and entrepreneurs across the world.
The events provide a platform for small business owners to tell their stories of entrepreneurship and its challenges, while governments, international organizations and business support organizations show their commitment to support.
MSMEs account for over 90% of all businesses and over 50% of jobs worldwide.
They are a critical force in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They promote innovation, creativity and decent work for all.
For MSME Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Resilient recovery was the focus of the events in 2022. We honoured entrepreneurs in societies everywhere as they faced the triple threat of COVID-19, conflict and climate.
This was the sixth anniversary of MSME Day. ITC focused on four priority areas to scale up support to small firms: women, youth, digital and green initiatives. This is the key to creating a wave of ‘good trade’ that is truly inclusive and sustainable.
MSMEs are key to inclusive and sustainable recovery.
As micro, small and medium-sized enterprises emerged stronger from the COVID-19 crisis, ITC, together with its partners, celebrated the pivotal role that these resilient entrepreneurs play in strengthening the global economy. The series of events included a live panel discussion ‘MSMEs: Key to an inclusive and sustainable recovery’ with partners, entrepreneurs and policymakers from all over the world, a fireside chat with Facebook, the call for ‘Digital Champions for Small Business,’ a TV talk show with the ITC Executive Director to launch the 2021 SME Competitiveness Outlook ‘Empowering the Green Recovery, and a social media campaign with stories from entrepreneurs.
The Great Lockdown and its Impact on Small Business.
In a webTV programme that took viewers on a virtual journey across continents in 90 minutes, 40 diverse speakers gave engaging testimonials, shared immediate responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, discussed solutions to mitigate the effects of the crisis, and prepared for a 'new normal.' This was underpinned by brand new business impact data and unique analysis from our flagship SME Competitiveness Report: COVID-19: The Great Lockdown and its Impact on Small Business.
Big Money for Small Business.
Building on the ongoing conversation on financing for development, MSME Day events in Geneva, New York, Mumbai, Lyon and Offenburg featured the launch of the 2019 edition of ITC’s flagship report SME Competitiveness Outlook on ‘Big Money for Small Business’.
The Youth Dimension.
MSME Day 2018 was an occasion to recognize the important role small businesses play in creating jobs for youth and the prospects and challenges for youth entrepreneurship. The events in Geneva and New York also highlighted how MSMEs contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Small business, big impact.
The first-ever MSME Day was celebrated on 27 June 2017. The event slogan reflected the importance of supporting small business as a contributor to job creation and economic growth.