We offer a range of trade intelligence, training and advisory services
Get the most out of what the International Trade Centre offers to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Visit our showcase of tools and services, all designed to help you succeed in the world of trade.
We cater to informal and small-scale producers, aspiring exporters in the formal economy, businesses with potential for a higher proportion of exports, active exporters with demonstrated capacity to trade, enterprises that trade indirectly by integrating into value chains, and women and youth entrepreneurs.
ITC dedicates itself to empowering small businesses and helping them grow. Our partnership with SheTrades helps women-owned businesses scale up. Our focus on digitalization helps small businesses scale up their e-commerce capabilities, and our support for sustainability is helping them to scale up their green products and innovations. For more information, check our SheTrades, E-commerce, business performance and GreenToCompete pages. Or go to our SME Academy for courses on how to grow your business.
Our SheTrades initiative provides online training and mentoring for women entrepreneurs, and our SheTrades.com platform gives women entrepreneurs a one-stop shop in which to share, learn, and do business on a global scale. It also gives you the opportunity to raise any policy-related challenges you are facing so ITC can facilitate a conversation with local decision-makers on building a conducive business environment.
Our Ye! Community online platform supports almost 20,000 youth entrepreneurs and hosts a network of over 140 expert business coaches from more than 140 countries. Contact us if you want to set up a Ye! Chapter in your country. ITC also provides free online training through the SME Trade Academy.
We provide governments, policymakers and public and private sector stakeholders with advisory services, trainings, as well as data and analyses on everything from leveraging unilateral preferential market access to addressing non-tariff measures so you can best navigate the complexities of global trade. Our services are described on our Regional Trade Integration and related pages.
Our eComConnect Programme offers you free workshops, tools as well as support through the online ecomconnect.org community. Once you join, you connect with an international network of e-commerce professionals to support your online journey.
Our ITC Sustainability Map will help you identify ways of greening your business according to international standards. You can also visit our Sustainability Gateway which helps small businesses transition to green by becoming part of one of ITC’s GreenToCompete Hubs.
Helping refugees and displaced persons gain decent and safe work and income is an ITC priority. Visit our dedicated page on the ITC work with vulnerable migration and forced displacement which describes our innovative, trade-led and market-based solutions to create jobs and generate income for refugees and their host communities.
Our Trade Map provides indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies. Our Export Potential Map provides practical trade information for your products or on product diversification, and there are many more Trade Tools available.
Our #FastTrackTech Africa initiative supports tech start-ups like yours as well as tech hubs in sub-Saharan Africa to go international. We also work with digital entrepreneurs and business support organizations in developing countries to digitalize their services and join the world of e-commerce.