Iraq: Strengthening the Agriculture and Agri-Food Value Chain and Improving Trade Policy (SAAVI)
The Strengthening the Agriculture and Agri-food Value Chain and Improving Trade Policy (SAAVI) project aims to support stabilization and governance through building the capacities of key Iraqi institutions to deliver public services, as well as sustainable job creation through the development of human capital and the enhancement of private sector’s competitiveness. This EU-funded project focuses on the development and implementation of sector strategies for high-potential products, as well as on defining more market-oriented policies to improve predictability and efficiency in the business environment. SAAVI also provides assistance to enhance Iraq’s trade policy and supports the country in its WTO accession process.
SAAVI is implemented under the leadership of the Government of Iraq through the Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Trade.
The project forms part of the overall European Union Special measure for supporting employment creation and improving economic governance in Iraq. As such, SAAVI is fully aligned with the activities of FAO, IOM, ILO, UNESCO and GIZ in the domain of private sector engagement and agricultural development.
Sustainable Development Goals
The International Trade Centre’s SAAVI project in Iraq - Strengthening the Agriculture and Agri-Food Value Chain and Improving Trade Policy – is boosting inclusive economic growth and job creation, particularly for youth through:
- Strategies for high-potential products: we are facilitating the design of sustainable development strategies for the tomato and poultry sectors and may add more products in the future.
- Building productive and commercial agricultural value chain alliances: we are helping establish productive and commercial buyer-led value chain alliances based on sustainable, fair business models.
- Fostering a conducive ecosystem with a focus on youth: we are developing the business skills and entrepreneurship of Iraqi youth, key support organizations, reforming administrative and policy factors and encouraging public-private dialogue.
- Strengthening trade policy framework: we are supporting policymakers assisting in the revision of laws, regulations and preparation of documents and negotiating positions required in the WTO accession process.
The project is part of the overall European Union special measure for supporting employment creation and improving economic governance in Iraq.