ITC and Yemen discuss WTO accession support
The International Trade Centre (ITC) stands ready to support Yemen as it prepares to become the 160th member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), according to ITC Executive Director Arancha González.
The WTO working party on Yemen’s accession on 26 September adopted the main documents setting out Yemen’s membership terms.
Ms González on 25 September held talks with Mr Saadaldeen Ali Salim Talib, Yemen’s Minister for Industry and Trade, to discuss the country’s need as prepares to finalize its bid to join the WTO.
During the meeting Ms González stressed that ITC would be ready to assist Yemen with request for assistance related to WTO accession. Apart from helping raise awareness among stakeholders – especially the business community – about the implications of WTO membership, she suggested that assistance with the implementation of the Yemen’s national export strategy could be another focus area.
Mr Talib said his country would welcome the continued support from ITC as Yemen now embarks on its ratification process, which includes building confidence among its stakeholders, including small and medium-sized enterprises.
Commenting on the decision by the World Trade Organization [WTO] Working Party on Yemen's accession to conclude the negotiations on the main chapters, Ms González said: ‘This is an important step, not only for Yemen, but also for the WTO. I am looking forward to working more closely with Yemen when it becomes the 160th member of the WTO.
‘Accession to the WTO lays the foundation for Yemen’s integration into the global economy. It will bring about predictability for both Yemeni businesses and foreign investors. The International Trade Centre [ITC] stands ready to help Yemen – and in particular the country’s small and medium-sized enterprises [SMEs] – to reap the full benefits from accession to the WTO.’