Assessing the rules of origin in Malaysia
The International Trade Centre (ITC), together with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) from Malaysia, recently organized a validation workshop to finalize the analysis undertaken on Malaysia’s Rules of Origin (RoO) system. The objective was to identify recommendations that can improve and align their system with international best practices. The main findings from the report in relation to exporter liability, cost analysis submission, self-certification of exporter and importer and international best practices as well as the immediate next steps of support were also discussed at the in-person workshop.
RoO are the criteria used by national governments and international trade agreements and treaties to determine the national origin of a product or good. With the increased proliferation of trade agreements, especially in Asia, it is critical to ensure that a practical and facilitative RoO system is in place.
“This workshop was very helpful to study the best international practices to adopt for Malaysia regarding Self Declarations, Advance Rulings, AEO and Importer or Exporter Declarations,” Muhammad Faris Sameon, Assistant Director, Ministry of International Trade, and Industry (MITI) said.
Ms. Suhaili binti Ismail, Senior Principal Assistant Director, MITI said “ITC project will provide the opportunity to improve Malaysia’s current system and procedures related to rules of origin.”
Along with Muhammad and Suhaili, 13 participants attended the workshop from MITI and the Royal Malaysian Customs Department.
The workshop was organized under the scope of the ARISE Plus Malaysia Project, funded by the European Union, and supports inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the country through enhancing sustainable business and investment environments, improving product quality and competitiveness, as well as enhancing sustainable and internationally quality-compliant practices in the agri-food sector.
The project is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.