Accreditation of Quality Infrastructures
Since 2018, Quality Infrastructure institutions including the Burundi Bureau of Standards and Quality Control (BBN), the Institute of Agriculture Science of Burundi (ISABU), the National Centre of Food Technology (CNTA) and the Plant Protection Directorate (DPV) have been receiving support from the European Union funded EU-EAC MARKUP Burundi project.
The support aims at enabling the institutions gain recognition at regional and international levels. Legal framework of the Quality Infrastructure was reviewed and upgraded, and technical and material support was also provided.
Laboratories of BBN and ISABU) were renovated. The accreditation program on selected parameters of competences within BBN, ISABU, and CNTA will also be implemented. ITC availed an international expert to coach the laboratories in preparation to the accreditation.
By the end of 2023, the institutions will be accredited on key parameters to better support market access of Burundian tea, coffee, and horticulture products to regional and international markets.
This highlight of MARKUP Burundi project support is an unprecedented achievement in Burundi QI.