Promoting SME Competitiveness in Hungary: Strengthening the capacities of SMEs for inclusive economic growth
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We provide tailored support, aligned with national objectives, to grow trade opportunities for micro, small and medium businesses in developing countries.
Our market analysis and resource solutions will help you review crucial trade related information in over 200 countries and territories.
We aim to bring prosperity, inclusiveness and sustainability to developing countries through trade-related development assistance.
Greater access to information about export opportunities is essential for determining SME export success.
SMEs which participate in international trade are more productive than those which do not. Integration into global and regional markets is thus likely to help close the productivity gap between SMEs and large enterprises, with positive repercussions on the inclusiveness of growth. ITC surveys show that access to market information and trade finance, as well as fewer regulatory burdens, are important to reduce costs and improve for SME competitiveness. Public-private collaboration is essential to design effective solutions.