Uganda: Bridging skills and markets for youth in the creative economy



    The Young Africa Works – Enhancing Skills and Markets for Entrepreneurs in the Creative Economy project in Uganda will unlock employment opportunities for 105,000 Ugandan youth, especially women, in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) (ITC will be responsible for generating 22,320 of these opportunities). Implemented over five years by ITC together with Ugandan consortium partners Bayimba Foundation, NextCom and Steadman Global, the project will create opportunities for young Ugandans in the cultural and creative industries, starting with investment in human capital and technical infrastructure. The project will also facilitate market connections in local, regional and international CCI value chains. It will address both the training needs of young Ugandans and the policy and regulatory environment in which they operate.



    Sustainable Development Goals

    This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    ITC contact

    hbarnes [at]