Tanzania: Kigoma Joint Programme Phase II
The United Nations (UN) system, in collaboration with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania presents the 2022-2027 United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Tanzania, the most important planning and implementation instrument for all UN agencies in the country. With a focus on four priority areas (People, Prosperity, Planet and Enabling Environment), the UN System seeks to impact the reduction of multidimensional poverty in Tanzania through a transformative, inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
The Kigoma Joint Programme Phase II (KJP II) builds on results achieved in the first phase of implementation (2017-2022) and draws from the lessons learned to outline the proposed interventions under the overall UNSDCF framework. Jointly with the ILO, FAO, UNCDF, WFP, UN Women and UNDP, ITC is contributing to the Prosperity Outcome on increasing production, productivity and incomes, helping to accelerate the creation of decent formal sector jobs at the individual level and seeking structural transformation and economic growth at the national level.