Tanzania: Developing the Beekeeping Value Chain
Under the 11th EDF National Indicative Programme for Tanzania (2014-2020), Sustainable Agriculture is a focal sector with the specific objective to ‘enhance management of natural resources, including forests, and ecosystem services for sustainable agriculture development and climate change adaptation’.
Tanzania is the second largest honey producer in Africa after Ethiopia and the largest African supplier to the EU (Germany, England, Belgium and Netherlands). It produces 34,000 tons per year, and nearly 9,200 tons of beeswax. The sector generates high-quality honey worth €7.96 million and beeswax worth €1.59 million annually, of which products worth €1.69 million from honey and beeswax are exported, primarily to regional markets for local consumption or re-export.
ITC in collaboration with the Belgian development agency (ENABEL) will empower the private sector actors working in the beekeeping value chain (including women and youth when appropriate) and will contribute to inclusive economic growth in Tanzania (particularly in the less advanced regions of the country) by increased export competitiveness and increased regional market integration of the beekeeping value chain.
The project aims to promote sustainable agriculture by improving the beekeeping value chain through enhanced quality production, value addition of bee products and enhanced trade and access to local, regional and international markets.
ITC will focus on improving the links between production and marketing, while focusing on groups living in vulnerable situations, providing them with employment opportunities to participate in the value chain. The project will support enabling working environment for private sector involved in the bee product processing and trade.
Sustainable Development Goals
Developing the Beekeeping Value Chain in Tanzania
In this project, ITC will support Business Support Organizations (BSOs) and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) involved in Tanzania’s growing honey sector and ensure they have the capacities and necessary infrastructure, both physically and institutionally, to be able to export competitively and integrate into local, regional and international markets.
ITC will strengthen BSOs’ and relevant stakeholders’ market intelligence by developing their access to trade information and their knowledge of packaging and product certification. To make sure beekeeping-related small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are competitive, ITC will enhance their access to business and financial management services as well as establish and strengthen local, regional and international market linkages.