Implementation of the African Trade Observatory within the AUC
The project will support the African Union Commission in establishing the trade intelligence tools of the African Trade Observatory, which will become the repository of African countries’ trade and trade-related data and information. The Observatory will provide the AU Commission and its partner institutions (including the Regional Economic Communities) with the necessary indicators to monitor progress toward trade integration in Africa. The ATO will also synthesize and make relevant trade data and information available to support the formulation of evidenced-based trade policies and provide the private sector with trade information and information on the regulatory framework applicable in various Member States to support their business decisions. ITC will provide technical support for the development of the ATO dashboard, the setting-up of a network of national and regional data providers and delivering a capacity building programme for ATO staff, national and regional trade data providers and a network of trade experts.
Sustainable Development Goals
Empowering intra-African trade integration
The African Trade Observatory (ATO) dashboard puts a continent of trade opportunities at the fingertips of African entrepreneurs by providing:
- reliable trade intelligence on trends, opportunities, and market access conditions so businesses can identify and compare new business opportunities;
- government agencies and policy makers with the means of monitoring AfCFTA implementation and evaluating its impact on their economies;
- access to strategic, real-time information so governments can make better informed policy decisions to optimize their integration opportunities.