GreenToCompete (G2C)
Green2Compete is ITC’s new and ambitious strategy aiming to place environmental sustainability at the heart of MSME competitiveness. Its goal is to enable MSMEs from developing countries to become more competitive through green production and trade.
In this context, Green2Compete will support ITC's ambition to deliver cutting-edge and innovative trade-related technical assistance and will develop ITC's positioning as a leading development partner in the green transition. It will also serve as an umbrella to ensure coherence among ITC's interventions in relation to the green transition.
This project will drive the implementation of the strategy along the following areas, namely: (1) establishment of a consistent corporate reporting mechanism, (2) mainstreaming of green competitiveness into ITC’s work, (3) development of innovative, new tools and approaches enabling MSMEs and related multipliers to benefit from a green transition, (4) engagement in dialogues and provision of inputs for a mutually supportive trade and environment agenda, and (5) partnerships and outreach to achieve scale.
This project sets out a work plan for the first year of the strategy, keeping in mind the overall strategic ambition in the long-term.
Sustainable Development Goals
Activating green trade worldwide
The triple planetary crises of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, pollution and waste are impacting livelihoods around the world. Transitioning to a green and inclusive economy is the defining challenge of our time.
Trade can make an important contribution to advancing the climate and environment agenda while contributing to the prosperity of poor and marginalized communities.
Through GreenToCompete, ITC is reinforcing its commitment to trade that is climate resilient, fosters biodiversity and promotes production cycles that are truly circular. Through GreenToCompete, ITC is placing environmental sustainability at the heart of what ITC is and does.
GreenToCompete works with stakeholders across international value chains and in the business and policy ecosystems. We provide capacity building, business tools, thought leadership and a global network to support small businesses gain a competitive advantage by “going green”.
Our partner-led GreenToCompete Hubs support green transformation with a focus on national priorities and local ownership.