Alliances for Action: Coffee Guide
The 4th Edition of the Coffee Guide provide information on trade practices relating to exporting and producing coffee and associated products. It presents an overview of the world of coffee, from production to trade and markets. It deals with both the producer and the buyer perspective and explores key topics such as living incomes out of coffee, sustainable value chains and consumer trends. It also covers technical matters such as trade financing, and related management issues; covers coffee quality with special emphasis on quality control aspects. It outlines new trends in the coffee trade such as e-commerce, niche markets, organic certification, fair trade labelling, and other sustainability schemes; highlights climate change and environmental issues relevant to the coffee industry. It includes a list of frequently asked questions from coffee producers and the respective answers.
After the publication of the guide in October 2021, A4A project team is requesting additional funds to ensure successful promotion so that the guide can reach a maximum number of people and organizations. Additional activities include: translation of the Guide in French and Spanish, organization of online events, creation and distribution of communicational materials, update market information and participation in international coffee events.