Preparing a Quantitative Market Profile for the Philippines
Trade Map, Market Access Map and the Export Potential Map are essential tools for data-driven research into potential destination markets for products from the Philippines.
In November, 16 women and 6 men representing various public and private institutions participated in a virtual training workshop that covered preparation of Quantitative Market Profiles for researching trade opportunities and developing a concise public document.
Participants also had the opportunity to review relevant international trade concepts and watch live demonstrations on the use of selected ITC Tools for market analysis.
Experts also helped participants in analyzing trends and growth rates, looking into competition, as well as investigating the benefits of trade agreements and examining the mandatory requirements for export products from the Philippines.
The participants worked towards composing a Quantitative Market Profile, which is a structured fact sheet on potential markets for a specific product. These documents provide a comprehensive overview and allow the participants to sharpen their acquired skills to eventually support local businesses in their own research.
The International Trade Centre has a suite of online tools which aims to make global trade more transparent and to facilitate access to markets. These tools enable business actors to identify export and import opportunities, compare market-access requirements, monitor national trade performance and make well-informed trade decisions.
The Market Analysis Tools are free for users in least developed and developing countries, as well as in the European Union. More than one million users from governments, educational institutions and many of the world’s top 500 companies have registered to use the tools.
ARISE Plus Philippines
The training was organized within the framework of ARISE Plus Philippines and in close collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry , Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other partner institutions.
ARISE Plus Philippines is a four-year project, funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the International Trade Centre. It focuses as a priority on enabling the Philippines to take advantage of EU market access and of the trade privileges granted under the Generalized System of Preference (GSP+) as well as supporting the overall EU-Philippines trade relationship and trade-related policies.