Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day calls for investing in strengthening investment facilitators
International Trade Centre (ITC) marked the third International MSME day on June 27, 2019. The theme this year ‘Big money for Small Business` served as a reminder of the importance of financing small and medium-sized enterprises in emerging economies for achieving sustainable development.
The highlight of the day was the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Competitiveness Outlook (SME Outlook) 2019 report launch at the World Trade Organization (WTO) premises. The ceremony featured a dialogue on impact investing for MSMEs followed by the launch of the report.
In a series of world-wide events to celebrate the day, the Impact Investment Lab organized at ITC Geneva introduced and explored different concepts behind sustainable finance and impact investment.
Attendees engaged in a dialogue highlighting various investment approaches that could ensure a return for investors.
The lab was an interactive session where speakers Mr Guillaume Bonnel from Sustainable Finance Geneva and Ms Enora Merdy from Impact Finance Management focused on the value chain to finance small and medium-sized enterprises with positive impacts in emerging economies.
It emerged from the discussions that Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were the new norms for impact investment and sustainable finance. Sustainability will very soon become a key aspect to consider for all entrepreneurs in the assessment of the risks and returns of their investment.
ITC partners around the world also marked the MSME day by holding similar events. Ceremonies were held in the United States, France, India, Kenya and Germany.
Organised by the International Trade Centre Office to the United Nations in New York, in partnership with the Mission of Argentina to the United Nations, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the International Council for Small Business, the International MSME Day celebrations in New York raised awareness of the contribution of MSMEs in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
In Lyon, France SME Outlook was launched during the ‘13ème édition des Ateliers de la coopération consulaire CPCCAF’, with a focus on the development and dynamism of the African private sector.
The India launch of ITC’s SME Competitiveness Outlook 2019 took place in Mumbai during Tefla’s India SME Conclave & Awards 2019 event that focused on empowering the sector for better business growth.
United Nations Information Centre in Nairobi, Kenya held a press briefing launching the SME Outlook 2019.
These events provided an opportunity to build on the ongoing conversation on impact investment and the coinciding theme of enabling MSMEs to play their role in sustainable development.