ITC’s EnACT awards youth entrepreneurship prize in exports
Enhancing Arab Capacity for Trade (EnACT) is an ITC technical assistance programme funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
EnACT, in association with the Amadeus Institute, EuroMed Capital Forum and Maroc Export, is pleased to award its first Youth Entrepreneurship Prize in Exports to Outsourcia, a Moroccan company. The award presentation will take place on 13 November in Tangiers, Morocco, at the MEDays annual forum, a strategic meetingoriented towards a vision of triangular cooperation known as North-South-South.
‘We are delighted to honour Outsourcia with this recognition,’ said Torek Farhadi, Regional Coordinator of the EnACT programme. ‘The company represents a success story and has created over 500 export-led jobs for Morocco’s young workforce. Its business model is a good example of how businesses in Morocco can leverage off their strategic location in the Mediterranean. It has succeeded in attracting value-based service sector employment, further linking the Moroccan economy to the European markets.’ Outsourcia demonstrated all the key qualities the judges were looking for.’
Founded in 2003, Outsourcia provides both business process outsourcing and information technology outsourcing services to European businesses, off-shoring them in Morocco. It has an average annual growth of 40% due to the added-value services it provides to prominent European companies.
EnACT is assisting Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia to develop their full export potential by building on strong assets such as natural resources, youthful educated workforces and proximity to European and Arab Gulf markets. The programme also aims to strengthen private sector ability to integrate regional trade. This involves working with governments, trade support institutions and individual enterprises. Special attention is paid to bringing more women and young people into export-related activities, and connecting them to foreign markets.