Mongolian cashmere producers set to make sales of US$ 50,000 in Arab markets (en)
A group of Mongolian exporters of cashmere, wool and yak hair products stand to sell up to US$ 50,000 in goods after participating in the International Textile Fair in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, a trip supported by the International Trade Centre (ITC).
Several women-owned enterprises showcased their accessories, textiles and fabrics – including cashmere shawls, silk scarves and yak hair skirts – at the second annual textile fair from 26-27 April. The goal was to promote their products in the yet untapped Arab market, establish contacts with prospective buyers and further expand business partnerships.
Not only Arab companies, but Egyptian, Indian, Italian and Russian buyers based in Dubai expressed their interest in collaborating with the producers. Their participation in the fair was organized by the Mongolian Wool and Cashmere Association, with funding provided by ITC. The association will research additional Dubai-based trade companies and agencies to further expand business partnerships.
The Mongolian business Khatan Suljee LLC received an order of 100 children’s shawls and provided sample products to a company that was interested in ordering women’s silk scarves.
Snow Fields LLC exhibited mainly cashmere coats, which drew interest due to the wholesale price.
As for Cashmere Holding LLC, the company received a business offer on orders of cashmere sweaters and ponchos and sold sample products.
Uujin LLC received high interest from buyers on yak hair skirts, ponchos and blankets.
After showcasing and exploring at the fair, the participants decided to try blending Mongolian cashmere with Arabian fabrics with the aim of developing a new product tailored to the Middle Eastern market.
Participants will use the information that they gathered on the latest fashion and trends to make decisions on their product development.