ITC Executive Director, Côte d’Ivoire Prime Minister attend official presentation of National Export Strategy (en)
International Trade Centre (ITC) Executive Director Arancha González joined the Prime Minister of Côte d’Ivoire, Mr Daniel Kablan Duncan, and the Minister of Commerce, Arts and Crafts and SMEs promotion, Mr Jean-Louis Billon, as well as representatives of the Ivorian private sector on 13 November in Abidjan for the official presentation ceremony of the National Export Strategy of Côte d’Ivoire.
‘This strategy, elaborated in coherence with the National Development Plan, is the result of a participatory and inclusive process based on the interests of the private sector and public sector,’ said Prime Minister Duncan.
‘The Strategy will help reposition Ivorian exports in international markets and will also reinforce their competitiveness. In addition, the Strategy will boost the competitiveness of the private sector and will contribute to attracting Aid for Trade and investments into export sectors,’ he added.
Elaborated under the Trade Support and Regional Integration Programme for Côte d’Ivoire (PACIR) and financed by the European Union, the National Export Strategy is the result of extensive consultations that included the active participation, and the aspirations, of the private and public sectors as well as the development priorities of Côte d’Ivoire.
The Strategy aims to foster value addition in Ivorian exports and to diversify export markets to drive vigorous growth and job creation to achieve the vision of Côte d'Ivoire’s Emergence by 2020. Strategic objectives aim to spur export diversification, to improve the competitiveness of Ivorian products and to improve the business environment to promote exports and reduce transaction costs.
New technology products and services, representing a significant potential for exports at the regional and international level, are closely tied to this Strategy. The National Export Strategy insists on the integration of new information and communications technology not just in the priority sectors and cross sectors, but also in national education and training programmes.
The success of the Strategy, however, will depend on its implementation, said ITC’s Executive Director.
‘Only successful implementation of the strategic plan of action will realize the promise of new markets, new products with greater added value and new jobs in export sectors,’ Ms. González said, adding that high-level support for the Strategy in Côte d’Ivoire and the recently established National Export Council augur well for successful implementation.
The National Export Council, a consultative body for the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the National Export Strategy, was created by presidential decree on 18 June 2014.
‘ITC stands ready to lend its technical assistance to Côte d'Ivoire to ensure the successful implementation of the Strategy,’ Ms. González said.