Picking up the pace: National Export Strategy in Iran (en)
The effects of COVID-19 are evident in most parts of Iran. As elsewhere, the rapid spread of the coronavirus has affected all facets of life in the country.
Downturn in trade and commercial activity have led to uncertainty about growth prospects. However, this difficult time is being used for strategizing and agenda setting.
A clear priority for regaining strength in sustainable development through trade is the National Export Strategy in Iran. Realizing the urgent and real need for continuing work to help the country devise its export strategy, international expertise has been channelled to business associations and policymakers.
Through online platforms, the momentum is building to formulate clear strategies for Information and Communication Technology and automobile parts - two of the priority sectors under the National Export Strategy.
Information and communications technology (ICT)
More than 15,500 nation-wide members of the ICT guild of Iran, recently benefitted from an online strategic brainstorming session. An international expert led this initiative. The discussion helped evaluate Iran's competitiveness, strengths and weakness in international trade.
The consultation also helped identify segments that present Iran's competitiveness including software systems for oil and gas companies, block chain currencies, barter transactions, software for biotech and nanotech research and development. In the COVID-19 context, this exchange of ideas was particularly useful for focusing on the Iranian skills base that could be in particular demand.
Automobiles parts
A similar consultative session was recently held for exploring the automobile parts sector in Iran. A German expert in in the Automobile industry is already in touch with Iranian counterparts to help identify the strategic areas for ensuring an export competitive automobile parts sector in Iran.
The International Trade Centre facilitated these online consultations through its project "European Union (EU) - Iran Trade Development: Trade-Related Technical Assistance, capacity building, and value chain development for inclusive and sustainable trade-led growth in Iran". The five-year, EU-funded project aims to support increased and diversified trade in goods and services.