Projets associés
The overall objective of the regional programme is to "strengthen the competitiveness of West Africa by enhancing the production, transformation, and export capacities of the private sector in alignment with regional and national industrial and SME strategies." The specific objective is...
The project aims to increase the engagement of six developing and emerging countries in the Trade and Environment Structured Sustainability Discussions (TESSD) at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The project will carry out research in partnership with countries on the role of trade in supporting...
The intervention will equip selected existing and new members of the ECOWAS Regional Trade Facilitation Committee and trade facilitation focal points of National AfCFTA Implementation Committees (both target committees) as well as other identified target groups with necessary knowledge,...
The United Kingdom Trade Partnerships (UKTP) Programme aims to increase trade from developing countries to the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) by maximizing the benefits of UK and EU Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and the UK's Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS)....
The ECOWAS Agricultural Trade (EAT) programme, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), "One World – No Hunger" special initiative, is a crucial component of the German-ECOWAS cooperation and implemented by The Deutsche Gesellschaft für...
The Project Empowering women and boosting livelihoods through agricultural trade: Leveraging the AfCFTA Phase II contributes to ITC’s Strategic Plan in relation to gender equality and regional integration, in particular ITC Gender Moon Shot and One Trade Africa Strategy, as well...
Africa Fashion and Textile Network (Africa FAN) Phase 2 forms a part of the Special Initiative Training and Job Creation by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to contribute to the implementation of the Marshall Plan with Africa and the investment partnership G20...
Linking support for agribusiness and digital technologies sectors The Netherlands Trust Fund IV (NTF IV) - Export Sector Competitiveness Programme was based on a partnership agreement between the Dutch Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI), affiliated to the Ministry...
The project will strengthen ICDT services on trade intelligence to support the public and private sector from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to make better informed decisions and, in the long term, to contribute to an increase of trade between OIC Member States through the embedding...
En septembre 2021, le gouvernement des Pays-Bas et le Centre du commerce international (ITC) ont signé un accord de partenariat de quatre ans visant à améliorer la compétitivité commerciale de certains pays africains, grâce au renforcement des services numériques et agro-industriels, et en...
L’ITC et le Centre néerlandais pour la promotion des importations en provenance des pays en développement (CBI) sont partenaires depuis des décennies. Ce partenariat a, depuis 2005, débouché sur une série de programmes de développement sectoriel dans le cadre du Fonds fiduciaire...
Nouvelles associées
Publications associées
Événements et formations
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