ITC desarrolla habilidades en el Centro de Información Comercial (CIC) en Jartum, Sudán (en)
Between the 2 and 4 April, ITC held a training course for 23 participants from Sudan’s Ministry of Trade on market profiling. ITC staff conducted the training in Khartoum itself, but also carried out a webinar remotely from Geneva, Switzerland, in order to improve the use of ITC’s Market Analysis Tools.
The fifteen women and eight men mostly stemmed from the Ministry’s Trade Information Centre (TIC) but also included interested participants from within the ministry but outside of the TIC.
Martin Lopez, ITC Trade Information Officer who led the course in Khartoum said, “The aim of the course was to get participants to learn the methodology and tools to elaborate market profiles for Sudanese products”.
Nabawia Mohammed, Chief of the Trade Information Centre in Sudan was pleased with the results saying; “I am glad to see that ITC has surpassed our expectations in this activity. This training will definitely contribute to improve the quality of the services we offer to Sudanese exporters”