Projets associés
For the Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI), lifestyle choices impact livelihoods. EFI acts as a bridge, connecting marginalized artisan communities in emerging economies with discerning global lifestyle brands, creating meaningful work and fair, decent working conditions. We develop and...
The project will strengthen ICDT services on trade intelligence to support the public and private sector from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to make better informed decisions and, in the long term, to contribute to an increase of trade between OIC Member States through the embedding...
The objective of this project is to enhance the functionalities and effective use of Trade Facilitation Portals by beneficiary countries with a view to create a more conducing cross-border environment for traders through improved transparency and simplified trade formalities. This project...
International trade is an important driver of growth and a means to facilitate Afghanistan's path away from aid dependency. As such, the Government of Afghanistan has prioritized trade, regional cooperation and private sector development as critical elements for its economic development...
Nouvelles associées
Événements et formations
ITC @ 5e Conférence des Nations Unies sur les pays les moins avancés (LDC5)
La Conférence des Nations Unies sur les pays les moins avancés est le forum où se discute la manière de libérer tout le potentiel des pays les moins avancés (PMA), et plus particulièrement la manière dont la communauté internationale peut les aider à avancer étape après étape sur la...