La asociación entre el ITC y la Comisión de la UA puede impulsar el comercio en África(en) (en)
The International Trade Centre (ITC) and the African Union (AU) Commission can team up to boost trade in Africa, said ITC Executive Director Arancha González. She added that both organisations can work together to address barriers to intra-African trade. Ms González made these points in her talks with visiting African Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry Fatima Haram Acyl during a meeting at the ITC on 18 February 2014.
The AU Commissioner emphasised the importance of enhancing value chain participation as a means to promote diversification and competitiveness. Ms Acyl said this is a critical element in increasing intra-African trade and further supporting the establishment of a common market through a Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA). To address the challenge of low intra-African regional trade, the ITC and AU Commission committed to work together to help countries address barriers to trade by providing governments and the private sector with tools to identify these restrictions and increasing their capacity to meet existing barriers.