How Can We Facilitate Maintenance and Repair of Testing Equipment? Sharing the MARKUP II - ITC Survey Results and Discussing the Way Forward
<p>Food producers and exporters need well-functioning testing laboratories to prove compliance of their products with standards in regional and international markets. However, recent studies suggest that almost all laboratories in the East African Community (EAC) region face challenges in accessing necessary services, including equipment maintenance and repair services. </p><p>Under the <a href="">MARKUP II project</a>, the International Trade Centre (ITC) aims to support the EAC in developing and implementing a roadmap for improving the maintenance and repair of laboratory testing equipment. The Roadmap provides a list of specific actions that the EAC should take at the regional level.</p><p>This two-hour event targets specifically testing equipment manufacturers and service providers in the EAC region. The event is composed of two Parts. In Part I, ITC will present five root causes of the food testing laboratories' challenges, based on its recent technical surveys. In Part II, after introducing its draft Roadmap, ITC will invite all participants to express their views and recommendations on the proposed actions through group discussions.</p><p><strong>This is a closed event. Only survey respondents are invited. </strong>The working language of this event is English.</p>