EU Global Gateway in Central Asia: Investment, Competitiveness and Trade ITC Ready4Trade and OECD Central Asia Invest Projects Achievements, Lessons Learned, Pathways Forward
<p>In the context of the EU’s Global Gateway Strategy and the EU Strategy on Central Asia, and with the EU’s financial support, the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have been supporting Central Asia’s efforts to advance reforms to support investment, competitiveness and trade. This event will provide the opportunity to draw the lessons learned from the Ready4Trade Central Asia project implemented by ITC and the OECD Policy Component of the Central Asia Invest (CAI) programme. <br><br>ITC and the OECD will present the main results of their work. Beneficiary countries will have the opportunity to reflect on the impact and relevance of this work, while highlighting existing gaps and possible reform priorities for the next phase of work. Other development partners will also contribute to the discussions to ensure synergies and coherence of the work going forward.<br><br>This event will bring together senior policymakers from Central Asia who have been co-operating closely with the ITC and the OECD in recent years, as well as representatives of ITC, the OECD, the European Union, EU member states and other international organisations and development partners.<br> </p><p><strong>Post-event follow up:</strong><br><br>You can find the event photos at the following link: <a href="">… 26th of June </a></p>