ITC`s 60th Anniversary Celebrations

ITC`s 60th Anniversary Celebrations

Programme details

Date: Thursday, 27 June 

Time: 16:00-18:00, followed by a reception from 18:15-20:00 

Location: World Trade Organization, CR Room / Reception on WTO terrace (outside) 

All participants must be registered for the Aid-for-Trade Global Review at the WTO here. Registration closes on 14 June.

The event will be moderated by: 
Georgie Ndirangu, Journalist, and Susanna Pak of the International Trade Centre 


ITC’s 60th Anniversary Celebrations:  
Transforming lives through trade! 

Location info


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Country (for relations)
Event type
Public event


Chapter 1
The ITC Story
Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director, ITC
Pamela Coke-Hamilton
Executive Director, International Trade Centre (ITC)
Keynote Address
H.E. Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy-Secretary-General, United Nations
Ms. Amina J. Mohammed
Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations
Anniversary messages by ITC's three former Executive Directors
Introduced by Pamela Coke-Hamilton,
Executive Director, International Trade Centre
Pamela Coke-Hamilton
Executive Director, International Trade Centre (ITC)
Original ITC Anniversary Song performed live
Performed live by Li-Li Octave, Singer-Songwriter from Dominica
Li-Li Octave
Singer-Songwriter, Dominica
Chapter 2
The vision for Trade
ITC and its parent organizations WTO and UNCTAD share their insights into the Geneva Trade Hub
Pamela Coke-Hamilton, ITC Executive Director

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, WTO Director-General

Pedro Manuel Moreno, UNCTAD Deputy Secretary-General
Pamela Coke-Hamilton
Executive Director, International Trade Centre (ITC)
Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Director-General, WTO
Rebeca Grynspan
Secretary General, UNCTAD
Chapter 3
Impact story on Inclusive Trade
Commitment to inclusion is crucial for bridging economic, social, and environmental gaps. ITC’s work on inclusive trade highlights the importance of empowering women, youth, and vulnerable groups including refugees, internally displaced persons, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups.

With voices from Bangladesh, the Gambia, Iraq, Kenya and more
Chapter 4
In Conversation: Trade and Market Intelligence as a Global Public Good
H.E. Maria Pagán, Deputy United States Trade Representative (US Permanent Mission to International Organizations in Geneva)
H.E. Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota Permanent Representative of Brazil to the WTO
Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director, ITC

Pamela Coke-Hamilton
Executive Director, International Trade Centre (ITC)
H.E. Maria Pagán
Deputy United States Trade Representative (US Permanent Mission to International Organizations in Geneva)
H.E. Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota
Permanent Representative of Brazil to the WTO
Impact Story on Sustainable Value Chains
To create business opportunities for the vulnerable communities we serve, connecting them to value chains and helping them succeed in global trade is at the heart of ITC’s mission. While promoting sustainability and resilience, ITC focuses on sectors with the greatest potential to drive economic and social changes, especially for women, youth, and those in vulnerable situations.

With voices from Morocco

Chapter 5
In Conversation: The importance of Regional Integration, with a focus on the African Continental Free Trade Area
H.E. Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships, European Union (video message)

H.E. Albert Muchanga, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, African Union
H.E. Jutta Urpilainen
Commissioner for International Partnerships, European Union
H.E. Albert Muchanga
Commissioner for Trade and Industry, African Union
Impact Story on Regional Integration
Fostering regional integration is vital for sustainable value chains to work and for driving economic growth and development. We zoom into the African Continental Free Trade Area, a milestone for the African continent.

With voices from Ghana and Kenya

Chapter 6
Impact Story on Digital Trade
For regional integration to be effective, connectivity is essential. Without connectivity, digital trade cannot exist, and without digital trade, the broader goals of regional integration, robust value chains, and positive impacts on human lives cannot be achieved.

With voices from Central Asia and Tunisia
Chapter 7
Leaving no one behind
H.E. Rabab Fatima
Under Secretary General and High Representative, United Nations Office of the High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS; Secretary General for the 3rd UN Conference on LLDCs
Chapter 8
Impact Story on Green Trade
Going ‘green’ is not just a theorem. It is a practical element that surrounds us and is vital to the pressing challenges of climate change and deforestation. These challenges significantly impact human lives and the health of our planet. At ITC, promoting green trade involves supporting sustainable practices across value chains.

With voices from Ghana

Chapter 9
The Future
Helene Budliger Artieda, State Secretary of Economic Affairs, Switzerland

Pamela Coke-Hamilton, ITC Executive Director
Helene Budliger Artieda
State Secretary, SECO
Pamela Coke-Hamilton
Executive Director, International Trade Centre (ITC)
External ID

<p>On 27 June, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the International Trade Centre (ITC). For 60 years, ITC has invested in its core services while innovating to make trade more connected, sustainable, and inclusive. Starting in 1964 with just a handful of staff, today we pursue four ambitious "moonshots": supporting women, empowering youth, promoting green trade, and enhancing digital connectivity.&nbsp;</p><p>Join us to celebrate!</p>

Event (for relations)