International Investment and the Transmission of Gender Policies and Practices: The role of regional integration

International Investment and the Transmission of Gender Policies and Practices: The role of regional integration

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<p>ITC SheTrades in collaboration with UNCTAD are organizing online policy dialogues on the AfCFTA. The policy dialogue on “International Investment and the Transmission of Gender Policies and Practices ”.&nbsp;The aim of the session is to discuss state of the art research and policy options on the role of foreign investment and Multinational Enterprises, in promoting inclusive development through strategic actions to address women's empowerment and gender equality – contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Key issues to discuss include:</p><ul><li>What MNEs strategies can influence inclusive development in host countries?&nbsp;</li><li>What are the drivers/challenges faced by MNEs when devising strategies for inclusive development?&nbsp;</li><li>What role do other stakeholders (public and private) play in MNEs strategies for gender equality?&nbsp;</li><li>What is the role of investment facilitation?</li></ul><p>How can regional integration help?</p>