CEFTA: Support to regional integration
Sustainable Development Goals
<p>The Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) is a regional free trade agreement, currently comprising Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, and Republic of Serbia. Over the last years, CEFTA has been able to remove most intra-regional tariff barriers for goods. With the adoption of CEFTA Additional Protocol 5 (AP5) on trade facilitation and the conclusion of negotiations of CEFTA Additional Protocol 6 (AP6) on trade in services, the region has at its disposal instruments for a further deepening of regional economic integration and alignment with the EU acquis. However, the operationalisation and implementation of reforms agreed at the regional level remains a challenge. This Action will therefore support CEFTA Parties with the cooperation of the CEFTA Secretariat in implementing its regional agenda on the facilitation of trade in goods and services. </p><p>ITC will primarily contribute to:</p><ol><li>Enhance the ability of those invovled in the operationalization of AP 6 (i.e. build the capacity of the recently appointed CEFTA Contact Points for Services; foster Intra-governmental cooperation among relevant agencies; and facilitate linkages between policy makers and private sector); and,</li><li>Provide advisory support to all CEFTA parties with a view to improving compliance of domestic regulations and procedures with AP6.</li></ol>