Eswatini, Kingdom of
Eswatini: Promoting growth through competitive alliances III
<p>The overall objective of the Action is to <em>contribute to economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction. </em>The specific objectives (outcomes) are the following: (1) Improved smallholder livestock productivity, with a more inclusive and sustainable management of assets at community/household level<em>, (2) </em>Inclusive, efficient, and transparent VC actors’ alliances strengthened in the livestock value chain (3) MSMEs/Social Enterprises’ competitiveness and value addition capabilities strengthened in a more sustainable and inclusive manner. The goals of the project would be achieved through the application of the Alliances for Action (A4A) methodology. The A4A brings together public and private actors to promote competitiveness and income-risk diversification among many VC actors. The actors include MSMEs/Social Enterprises, producer associations, farmers groups, cooperatives, and smallholder farmers, improving sustainable commercial linkages between value chain operators at the national, regional, and international levels.</p>