Conducive policy and regulatory environment: Trade negotiations and policy reform
Sustainable Development Goals
<p>The ITC’s Supporting Trade Negotiations and Policy Reform Programme seeks to strengthen the capacity of public and private sector stakeholders to contribute to trade negotiations and policy/regulatory formulation on emerging matters relating to facilitating investment, green trade, e-commerce/digitalization, inclusive trade, sustainable and resilient value chains, industrialization plans, strengthened multilateral and regional integration, and other trade and investment policy issues identified as relevant for a conducive business environment.</p><p>Through this project, ITC will, in relation to the topics mentioned above, seek to (a) generate awareness/understanding of stakeholders through information-sharing/awareness-raising engagements; (b) capacitate stakeholders to engage in informed and inclusive trade and investment policy and regulatory reforms; and (c) support domestic trade and investment policy reforms through technical studies/analyses and related advisory support to facilitate implementation of reforms, including undertaking legislative/regulatory reforms.</p><p>In designing and implementing such support, ITC builds upon the multilateral and regional/bilateral trading frameworks in place to ensure there is a coherent and coordinated approach to domestic trade and investment policy reforms and that measures implemented are aligned with trade commitments undertaken and/or international best practices in this regard.</p><p>The activities implemented under this project will be based on requests received from countries/institutions.<!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><a href="#_msocom_1" language="JavaScript" name="_msoanchor_1"></a><a href="#_msocom_2" language="JavaScript" name="_msoanchor_2"></a><!--[endif]--></p><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><!--[endif]--><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><!--[endif]--><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><!--[endif]--><a href="#_msoanchor_1"></a>
Haiti: Feasibility study exports of mango, horticulture and cereals
Sustainable Development Goals
<p>The Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Haiti has requested ITC support to develop an action plan to support the marketing of targeted agricultural sectors for local and export markets. The request is coming through the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF). The target sectors are: (i) mango (for export to Bahamas, United States & Canada), (ii) Selected vegetable crops (intended for the local market (hotels and supermarkets) and the regional market), and (iii) cereals (sorghum and maize) to supply different segments of the domestic industry. The study will use the concept of contract farming to improve supply and connect the Haitian farmers concerned with the markets (local, regional and global)</p>
Haiti: Ethical fashion initiative
Sustainable Development Goals
Poor Communities and Trade Programme
<p>Poor Communities and Trade Programme (PCTP), at the International Trade Centre (ITC), aims to reduce global poverty by strengthening the capacities of developing country micro-entrepreneurs, social enterprises and emerging designers for export trade, in order to connect them with international buyers, in the value chain of ethical fashion, through an inclusive business model.</p><p>PCTP provides technical expertise and business support to informal micro-enterprises and to emerging designers, through a business support infrastructure (based on hubs managed by social enterprises) that enables them to acquire capacities to set up and manage production and quality control systems, logistics and supply chain management, market identification and buyer negotiation skills. This market-based approach to poverty reduction provides micro-entrepreneurs form the informal sector (for the majority women) with the direct benefits of trade by creating jobs and facilitating business opportunities resulting in increased incomes, improved livelihoods and new linkages to the formal economy.</p>
Ethical Fashion Initiative
Ethical Fashion: Reshaping the Industry to Benefit the World
The Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) is reshaping the fashion industry with its support for sustainable production, human rights and the reduction of poverty.
Working at the nexus of international development, fashion and lifestyle sectors, EFI is contributing to decent work for thousands of artisans, most of them women, and connecting their products to luxury brands across the world.
EFI supports low carbon processes, working with artisans producing handcrafted, climate-neutral goods, using natural dyes and age-old techniques.
The fashion industry directly relates to the well-being of millions of workers, the environment and the climate. Ethical fashion promotes all the needs and rights of those involved in the industry to ensure respect for both society and the environment.
A sustainable path for the fashion industry
Sustainability Services
EFI is partnered with the National Chamber of Italian Fashion (Camera della Moda), a leading influence with the largest luxury brands in the world, to create a framework to assess the industry on its environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. Find out more
Sustainability Products
EFI is partnered with Artisan Fashion, connecting Africa’s artisans of traditional skills and creative talents to luxury brands. Find out more
Decarbonized Supply Chains
EFI and Artisan Fashion manage an international decarbonized supply chain, a network of social enterprises coordinating the work of artisans from the Global South in order to produce for luxury clients worldwide. Find out more
Business development projects
EFI’s Designer Accelerator, Opportunities are Here and Business Lab projects aim to develop sustainable business to its full potential and harness the power of creative industries to be a force for good. Find out more
Youtube playlist
Sustainable Development Goals
For the Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI), lifestyle choices impact livelihoods. EFI acts as a bridge, connecting marginalized artisan communities in emerging economies with discerning global lifestyle brands, creating meaningful work and fair, decent working conditions.
We develop and sustain social enterprises, designers, artisans and micro-producers in fashion, interiors and fine foods. We build on tradition, heritage and craftsmanship, and inject modern production and business practices to improve quality, consistency and productivity while leaving intact the intrinsic value of the product’s provenance.
Post-conflict states
Small island developing states
ITC recognizes that small island developing states (SIDS) face an unique set of challenges, particularly their vulnerability to external shocks. ITC works with SIDS to improve their export performance through regional collaboration, focused sectoral programmes, institutional support and strengthening the private sector. We also assist these states to trade mainly agricultural products that are attractive to niche markets that demand products proven to be sustainable economically, socially and environmentally.
Least developed countries
We deliver customized solutions for least developed countries (LDCs), enabling them to increase their participation in the global economy and reach development goals through exports. We focus on creating access to digital technologies and capabilities in LDCs, where current internet penetration is at 27%, as this is increasingly critical to ensure opportunities are universally shared. We also assist LDCs in their bid for WTO membership, and support their implementation of WTO agreements.