
Trade and market intelligence for the Eastern Partnership Countries
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Strengthening intra-regional trade relations 


The Eastern Partnership Trade Helpdesk is designed to increase economic ties between the European Union and the EaP countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and the Ukraine. 

We do this by: 

  • Providing trade information on the region and the EU via an online portal;   
  • Identifying regulatory and procedural trade obstacles through company surveys;   
  • Facilitating the reporting, monitoring and resolution of obstacles via an online enquiry system;   
  • Building capacity to collect and process trade in services data on specific sectors;   
  • Training on the use of selected market analysis tools to identify new export opportunities 


Launched in 2019, the EaP Trade Helpdesk project is supported by the European Union as part of its EU4Business initiative.  



The EaP Trade Helpdesk strengthens economic and trade relations within and between Eastern Partnership countries and the European Union.
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The Eastern Area Partnership (EaP) Helpdesk will provide economic operators, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs), trade and investment support institutions (TISIs) and policy makers in EaP countries with an interactive online platform that offers access to trade information (e.g. tariffs, non-tariff measures, taxes, trade statistics, trade procedures and company data) necessary to do business in the region and with the European Union (EU). An online feedback mechanism will allow companies to report on difficulties they face in international trade. Surveys of trade barriers in each country will enable an increased understanding of the regulatory and procedural obstacles that companies face and help policy makers to identify options to reduce trade costs. Training on the analysis of the information available via the Helpdesk will allow SMEs and TISIs to identify export opportunities and the capacity of institutions to collect and process services data for selected sectors will be strengthened.</p>

External ID
Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade - an EU4Business initiative
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The project aims to help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) from Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries integrate into global value chains and access new markets with a focus on the European Union (EU). The intervention will assist SMEs in producing value-added goods in accordance with international and EU market requirements; while linking them with buyers from global value chains and markets, in particular within the EU. As part of this process, the assistance will improve sector specific services to SMEs along the selected value chains by strengthening the capacity of local business support organisations (BSOs). The two main project focus sectors are agro-processing, and textile and clothing. &nbsp;</p>

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Eastern Europe and Central Asia
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ITC is working towards simplified customs procedures, reduced inspection rates, and stronger, more efficient value chains within and beyond the regions of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. For example, ITC is implementing an EU-funded project in Central Asia promoting intra-regional and international trade through an improved business environment and empowering businesses and strengthening cross-border e-commerce.

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