
Afrique Centrale: Renforcement de capacités en matière de commerce des services dans le cadre de la ZLECAf
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>This program aims to contribute to the liberalization of services in order to enhance competitiveness, promote sustainable economic growth, attract investment, create decent jobs, and benefit consumers in the Central African Region (ECCAS).</p><p>The Overall Objective of this programme is to contribute to increasing intra- regional, continental, and bilateral trade in services. The Specific Objective is to increase Services liberalisation and exports for selected service sectors at the multilateral, continental or regional level in line with the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)</p><p>To achieve this objective, along with the ECCAS commission and its 11 Member States, the programme will focus on the 4 following outputs:</p><p>&bull;Output 1: Trade barriers in priority service sectors are analyzed, and related policies are properly defined.</p><p>&bull;Output 2: Support to ECCAS member states in the development of lists of specific commitments under the AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in Services.</p><p>&bull;Output 3: Awareness of exporT opportunities is strengthened for the private sector, particularly for women- and youth-led businesses</p><p>&bull;Output 4: Appropriate, harmonized, and transparent regulations for trade in services, incorporating social and climate-related provisions, are developed and made more accessible.</p><p><br></p>

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ECCAS: Africa Trade Competitiveness and Market Access (ATCMA)
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>Le Programme pour la Comp&eacute;titivit&eacute; Commerciale et l&rsquo;Acc&egrave;s Aux March&eacute;s - Composante Afrique Centrale (ATCMA) est une initiative majeure visant &agrave; renforcer le commerce durable entre les pays d&apos;Afrique centrale et l&apos;Union europ&eacute;enne. Financ&eacute; par l&apos;UE et mis en oeuvre par l&apos;ITC et l&apos;ONUDI, ce programme de 48 mois vise &agrave; am&eacute;liorer l&apos;acc&egrave;s aux march&eacute;s pour certaines cha&icirc;nes de valeur et &agrave; accro&icirc;tre la comp&eacute;titivit&eacute; &agrave; l&apos;exportation des PME dans ces secteurs. Il cherche &eacute;galement &agrave; r&eacute;duire les obstacles commerciaux, &agrave; renforcer la conformit&eacute; aux normes de qualit&eacute;, et &agrave; promouvoir la valeur ajout&eacute;e et la diversification des exportations. En priorisant les entreprises dirig&eacute;es par des femmes et des jeunes, l&apos;ATCMA vise &agrave; promouvoir l&apos;inclusion &eacute;conomique et &agrave; encourager des pratiques commerciales durables. Avec un budget total de 26 millions d&apos;euros, l&apos;ITC et l&apos;ONUDI coordonneront la mise en &oelig;uvre avec divers partenaires africains pour maximiser l&apos;impact r&eacute;gional du programme.</p>

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How Can We Facilitate Maintenance and Repair of Testing Equipment? Sharing the MARKUP II - ITC Survey Results and Discussing the Way Forward

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Stakeholder meeting
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<p>Food producers and exporters need well-functioning testing laboratories to prove compliance of their products with standards in regional and international markets. However, recent studies suggest that almost all laboratories in the East African Community (EAC) region face challenges in accessing necessary services, including equipment maintenance and repair services.&nbsp;</p><p>Under the <a href="https://www.eacmarkup.org/">MARKUP II project</a>, the International Trade Centre (ITC) aims to support the EAC in developing and implementing a roadmap for improving the maintenance and repair of laboratory testing equipment. The Roadmap provides a list of specific actions that the EAC should take at the regional level.</p><p>This two-hour event targets specifically testing equipment manufacturers and service providers in the EAC region. The event is composed of two Parts. In Part I, ITC will present five root causes of the food testing laboratories' challenges, based on its recent technical surveys. In Part II, after introducing its draft Roadmap, ITC will invite all participants to express their views and recommendations on the proposed actions through group discussions.</p><p><strong>This is a closed event. Only survey respondents are invited. </strong>The working language of this event is English.</p>

EU-EAC MARKUP II _ Online workshop on EU Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR) _ 21 March 24

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<p>The Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP II), funded by the European Union (EU) from 2023-2027, aims to enhance economic development in the East African Community (EAC) through sustainable intra-African and EU-Africa trade. Focused on improving livelihoods, employment, and export competitiveness for MSMEs, the program supports the development of key export-oriented value chains. The second phase targets strengthening MSMEs' competitiveness, emphasizing value addition and diversification, and addressing market regulations and environmental and social criteria.</p><p>Deforestation is identified as a critical global challenge with significant implications for the environment, society, and the economy. The International Trade Centre (ITC) organizes a webinar under MARKUP II to discuss EU Green Deal regulations and the Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR), emphasizing the importance of mitigating deforestation in agricultural commodity production.</p><p>The workshop aims to shed light on the main components of EUDR, its origin and context of EU Green Deal, discuss the main- elements of EUDR implementation and the core concepts, among which “Benchmarking”, “Due Diligence Obligations”, “Geolocation of all plots of land”. Participants to the workshop will include policymakers, private sector and experts and will be invited to share best practices and insights on how to achieve deforestation-free global value chains and meet the requirements of EU market. It also seeks to provide a platform for stakeholders to collaborate and explore opportunities to build more sustainable and resilient global value chains, and across all topics, learn from lessons learned, best practices and challenges along the way to creating more sustainable land use and deforestation-free supply chains.&nbsp;</p><p>To register for the workshop, please click on the "<strong>Register Now</strong>" button. If you encounter any difficulties during the registration process, feel free to reach out for assistance by sending an email to <strong>[email protected]</strong>.</p>

EU-EAC MARKUP II _ Session d’information virtuelle sur le Règlement sur la déforestation et la dégradation des forêts de l’Union Européenne (RDUE)

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<p>The Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP II), funded by the European Union (EU) from 2023-2027, aims to enhance economic development in the East African Community (EAC) through sustainable intra-African and EU-Africa trade. Focused on improving livelihoods, employment, and export competitiveness for MSMEs, the program supports the development of key export-oriented value chains. The second phase targets strengthening MSMEs' competitiveness, emphasizing value addition and diversification, and addressing market regulations and environmental and social criteria.</p><p>Deforestation is identified as a critical global challenge with significant implications for the environment, society, and the economy. The International Trade Centre (ITC) organizes a webinar under MARKUP II to discuss EU Green Deal regulations and the Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR), emphasizing the importance of mitigating deforestation in agricultural commodity production.</p><p>The workshop aims to shed light on the main components of EUDR, its origin and context of EU Green Deal, discuss the main- elements of EUDR implementation and the core concepts, among which “Benchmarking”, “Due Diligence Obligations”, “Geolocation of all plots of land”. Participants to the workshop will include policymakers, private sector and experts and will be invited to share best practices and insights on how to achieve deforestation-free global value chains and meet the requirements of EU market. It also seeks to provide a platform for stakeholders to collaborate and explore opportunities to build more sustainable and resilient global value chains, and across all topics, learn from lessons learned, best practices and challenges along the way to creating more sustainable land use and deforestation-free supply chains.&nbsp;</p><p>To register for the workshop, please click on the "<strong>Register Now</strong>" button. If you encounter any difficulties during the registration process, feel free to reach out for assistance by sending an email to <strong>[email protected]</strong>.</p>

EU-EAC MARKUP II _ Online workshop on EU Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR)

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<p>The Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP II), funded by the European Union (EU) from 2023-2027, aims to enhance economic development in the East African Community (EAC) through sustainable intra-African and EU-Africa trade. Focused on improving livelihoods, employment, and export competitiveness for MSMEs, the program supports the development of key export-oriented value chains. The second phase targets strengthening MSMEs' competitiveness, emphasizing value addition and diversification, and addressing market regulations and environmental and social criteria.</p><p>Deforestation is identified as a critical global challenge with significant implications for the environment, society, and the economy. The International Trade Centre (ITC) organizes a webinar under MARKUP II to discuss EU Green Deal regulations and the Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR), emphasizing the importance of mitigating deforestation in agricultural commodity production.</p><p>The workshop aims to shed light on the main components of EUDR, its origin and context of EU Green Deal, discuss the main- elements of EUDR implementation and the core concepts, among which “Benchmarking”, “Due Diligence Obligations”, “Geolocation of all plots of land”. Participants to the workshop will include policymakers, private sector and experts and will be invited to share best practices and insights on how to achieve deforestation-free global value chains and meet the requirements of EU market. It also seeks to provide a platform for stakeholders to collaborate and explore opportunities to build more sustainable and resilient global value chains, and across all topics, learn from lessons learned, best practices and challenges along the way to creating more sustainable land use and deforestation-free supply chains.&nbsp;</p><p>To register for the workshop, please click on the "<strong>Register Now</strong>" button. If you encounter any difficulties during the registration process, feel free to reach out for assistance by sending an email to <strong>[email protected]</strong>.</p>