ITC provides a wealth of information and resources on trade for businesses in developing countries. The tools below (some of them joint projects with other organisations, such as the WTO, UNCTAD, World Bank Group, are intended to explore and facilitate trade with other countries.
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We provide tailored support, aligned with national objectives, to grow trade opportunities for micro, small and medium businesses in developing countries.
<p>This project seeks to address some of the issues that Royal Government of Bhutan faces in ensuring the efficiency and safety of cross-border trade in agricultural and food products at, behind and beyond its borders. Implemented in partnership by the Bhutan Food and Drug Authority (BFDA) and ITC with funding from the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF), this project is uniquely positioned to support Bhutan in responding to its border management challenges, including weak SPS compliance and risk-based controls, as it leverages solutions at the intersection of trade facilitation, border management and quality compliance. The project value is below USD 1 million and the duration will be 3 years.</p>
<p>Contributing to Bhutan’s export competitiveness by improving the marketing and branding capacities of selected MSMEs, producers and government officials within the framework of the “Brand Bhutan” initiative. The project will focus on organizing in-country training on Branding, Packaging and Labelling, on developing company profiles for selected MSMEs and on accompany stakeholders in relevant study tours to learn about good practice.</p><p><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><a href="#_msocom_1" language="JavaScript" name="_msoanchor_1"></a><!--[endif]--></p><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><!--[endif]--><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><!--[endif]--><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><p><a href="#_msoanchor_1"></a></p>
<p>The ITC’s Supporting Trade Negotiations and Policy Reform Programme seeks to strengthen the capacity of public and private sector stakeholders to contribute to trade negotiations and policy/regulatory formulation on emerging matters relating to facilitating investment, green trade, e-commerce/digitalization, inclusive trade, sustainable and resilient value chains, industrialization plans, strengthened multilateral and regional integration, and other trade and investment policy issues identified as relevant for a conducive business environment.</p><p>Through this project, ITC will, in relation to the topics mentioned above, seek to (a) generate awareness/understanding of stakeholders through information-sharing/awareness-raising engagements; (b) capacitate stakeholders to engage in informed and inclusive trade and investment policy and regulatory reforms; and (c) support domestic trade and investment policy reforms through technical studies/analyses and related advisory support to facilitate implementation of reforms, including undertaking legislative/regulatory reforms.</p><p>In designing and implementing such support, ITC builds upon the multilateral and regional/bilateral trading frameworks in place to ensure there is a coherent and coordinated approach to domestic trade and investment policy reforms and that measures implemented are aligned with trade commitments undertaken and/or international best practices in this regard.</p><p>The activities implemented under this project will be based on requests received from countries/institutions.<!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><a href="#_msocom_1" language="JavaScript" name="_msoanchor_1"></a><a href="#_msocom_2" language="JavaScript" name="_msoanchor_2"></a><!--[endif]--></p><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><!--[endif]--><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><!--[endif]--><!--[if !supportAnnotations]--><!--[endif]--><a href="#_msoanchor_1"></a>