The Coffee Guide is the world's most extensive, hands-on and neutral source of information on the international coffee trade. It covers trade issues relevant to coffee growers, traders, exporters, transportation companies, certifiers, associations and authorities, and other relevant actors. Many in the coffee industry consider it the go-to reference.
This fourth edition is directly informed by the coffee industry. Co-created by a network of over 70 experts across the coffee sector, it has updated technical information on finance, food safety measures, logistics and contracts. It has redefined quality and data segmentation and expanded digitalization coverage and information related to certifications and supply chain legislation. It also gives prime importance to issues like climate change, coffee price volatility, living wage, and the inequitable distribution of power, profit and resources across the supply chain. It aims to be informative, useful and inclusive of all sector stakeholders.
Download your industry reference, The Coffee Guide, 4th Edition!
Available in: English | Español | Francais | Português | Amharic አማርኛ
Print Editions of The Coffee Guide are now available for purchase through the UN Bookstore in English, Spanish, and French. International shipments are available. Corporate rates are available for bulk orders: please contact publications [at] (publications[at]un[dot]org).
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