The Gambia: Localizing SDGs - Improving the livelihoods of vulnerable women and youth around the Senegambia Bridge
The project aims to strengthen the economic and social rights of vulnerable groups whose livelihoods have been affected by the Senegambia Bridge. The newly constructed bridge not only has the potential to transform trade in West Africa and contribute to integrating the region by connecting Mauritania with Senegal and Nigeria but has a much wider social and economic impact on the trans-Gambia road corridor. While there are clear benefits for the macro economy of reducing the transit time of overland traffic, the bridge also has an important socio-economic impact on the communities along the transport corridor.
The joint project is led by UNFPA and implemented in a collaboration with ITC and several national partners. The economic component led by ITC addresses the Freedom from Want by supporting income diversification and strengthen business support services in the affected communities. The activities focus on women and youth in the North Bank Region and the Lower River Region and cover skills training in hospitality and agro-processing, strengthening of productive capacities, and improving access to markets.