Tajikistan: Enabling market access for agricultural products through improved food safety system (STDF)
The project titled “Enabling Market Access for Tajik Agricultural Products through Improved Food Safety System” with the support of The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Agriculture, aims to improve food safety and export competitiveness of Tajik SMEs through better use of agri-chemical and veterinary medicines. The focus sectors of the project are apricots and honey. Through implementation of a number of activities, the project aims to enable the access of Tajik honey and apricots SMEs to access other international markets.
The project will propose modernization of the legal framework for controlling the use of agri-chemicals and veterinary medicines. A series of training activities, both for the public sector representatives and private stakeholders will be held. The training for the public officials will help them implement the control system proposed while those for private stakeholders aim to improve the safe use of the agri-chemicals and veterinary medicines, while also building relevant business linkages.
In addition to that, Access to finance trainings to SMEs will be provided. This aims at enhancing the financial capacity of the producers to accede to the right inputs for safer production and to the processors to accede to the right inputs and technology for safer processing and compliance with international requirements.