Promoting Labour Market Integration of Syrians under Temporary Protection and Host Communities in Turkey
The ITC project will contribute to the impact aimed by the larger programme, which is to strengthen the economic and social resilience of Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) in Turkey.
The main outcome of the ITC project will be strengthened business and trade competitiveness of MSMEs. Thus enabling environment for business development and economic growth in identified sectors and geographic locations to address job creation and stimulate entrepreneurship opportunities for SuTP and Turkish host communities.
Project outputs will include (i) business plans and enterprise strategies developed for target beneficiaries and (ii) institutional support structures for MSMEs and business development enhanced.
The ITC project will focus on the Entrepreneurship development of 50 start-ups and capacity building of 500 beneficiaries (Syrian and Turkish).
Partners: IOM; KOSGEB.
This will help address issues related to:
- Reducing informal employment;
- Creating greater opportunities for women and men to decent employment and income;
- Strengthening competitiveness and productivity of SMEs;
- Promoting safe work places.