
More than words: market success starts with a better image

19 September 2024

When small businesses start selling internationally, their products and marketing materials need to convey the same level of professionalism as global brands. That level of design work can be expensive, or fall down the list of priorities for entrepreneurs who are juggling dozens of tasks every day. 

Prospective international buyers only have a few minutes to judge a business they’ve never worked with. Looking good online conveys a measure of professionalism. Poor quality images and badly worded text can stop a potentially significant deal before it even starts.

That’s where the International Trade Centre (ITC) can make a big impact through its Digital Moonshot. The ecomConnect team accompanies its clients through the process of building content that sets their businesses apart on the global stage. That can be choosing the words, and writing texts to stand out to the reader or search engine.  Or it can be the visuals that create immediate impact. 

Better images transform their digital presence. That means everything from website development and design, to clean logos and compelling social media graphics. 

By making digital literacy accessible to small businesses, they learn how to create the best impact online and produce marketing materials which have already been proven to work. 

Here are some examples of our work:


Companies like Kablon Farms had their low-resolution logos redrawn and vectorised, which makes the image more versatile. New brochures also helped define their brand, with all the information that prospective clients need. They’ve worked with other ITC projects that helped Kablon navigate export sales to the European Union, where their new visuals help them stand out on shelves and in buyers’ catalogs. 

Logo showing graphics of fruit for Kablon Farms in Philippines


Nado Poizokhang has been making and selling incense for over 30 years. They needed to create an online presence to ensure their traditional craft keeps even with modern commerce. 

ITC works with the companies to design new materials. In this case, they wanted to keep the image from their logo, so only the font was updated. 

Modern logo for Nado Poizokhang in Bhutan


Myanmar was largely cut off from global markets for decades. As the country began trading internationally, companies realized they needed new tools like web pages and social media. Businesses like Densilar, Kayan Farmer Enterprise and Nyaunghnapin Fruit worked with ecomConnect to create well-designed, user-friendly web pages – their first presence online. Now, they can reach a global audience, and have watched their sales continue to grow.

Examples of three Myanmar companies that updated their logos