Mid term evaluation - Trade and Environment Programme
As part of its commitment to transparency in the delivery of Aid for Trade, ITC recently completed an independent mid term evaluation of its Trade and Environment Programme. The TEP supports enterprises in developing countries to compete in the global market for green products and services. The focus of the programme to date has been the market for biodiversity based products and trade/climate change issues. It is implemented in Kenya, Peru and Zambia.
As Programme Manager my job was to work with the Evaluation Unit in drafting the Terms of Reference and setting up meetings and access to all the programme files for the evaluator, Dr Peter Gibbon, during his visit to Geneva in February.
The scope of a Mid Term evaluation is more limited than an Ex Post (final) one. Of the standard evaluation criteria, the main focus is on relevance, effectiveness, efficiency. Sustainability, impact and coherence are considered in more depth at a final evaluation. The aim of a Mid Term is thus largely practical. It identifies at an early stage what is working and what isn't. In that way, resources can be allocated to the most promising areas at an early stage of implementation.
In terms of the findings, the evaluation can be downloaded here. A few highlights include:
What's working: The four stage implementation model (needs assessment, technical studies to address needs, sector wide training with national partner, targeted training to selected companies) is described as an "effective and flexible way of structuring project planning and implementation" The capacity building projects "build on and extend recognized Aid for Trade themes and are largely relevant...are mutually reinforcing and internally coherent" The Biotrade project is "effective and efficient" and demonstrates a "good rate of return on the support provided". The Climate change project is "innovatory".
More work needed: The environmental mainstreaming work of the programme is efficiently implemented but the challenge will be to find more sustainable financing. Economies of scale could be achieved by focusing on the greatest potential for results and/or most innovatory elements-for instance the trade and climate change project.
ITC will now respond to the donor (the Government of Denmark) with actions it is taking to strengthen implementation. We will also use this to help us think through priorities for expansion under a multi-donor funded phase II.
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