Marking World Standards Day: ITC Publications on Standards
With standards, businesses increase their chances to connect to international value chains and consumers in a socially and environmentally sustainable manner.
SME Competitiveness Outlook 2016 – Meeting the Standard for Trade
SME Competitiveness Outlook 2015 – Connect, Compete and Change for Inclusive Growth
Related Academic Papers
ITC assessment of the technology level of exports: Methodology and analytical issues
Technical regulations affect exporters’ performance: Firm level evidence from developing countries
Impact of NTMs on SMEs in Tunisia
Exploring Voluntary Sustainability Standards using ITC Standards Map
do NTMs affect countries’ participation in international value chains?
Export Quality Management: A Guide for Small and Medium-Sized Exporters 2nd Edition (English/French/Spanish/Arabic/Swahili)
Export Quality Management: National Guide on Jordan
Export Quality Management: National Guide on State of Palestine
Export Quality Management: National Guide on Nepal (to be published)
Export Quality Management: National Guide on Egypt (to be published)
Influencing and Meeting International Standards (Volume One) (English/French/Spanish)
Influencing and Meeting International Standards (Volume Two) (English/French/Spanish)
Innovations in Export Strategy: A Strategic Approach to the
Quality Assurance Challenge
ITC-ISO publications
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
ISO 9001:2000 - A Workbook for Service Organizations
ISO 50001: Energy management Systems – A practical guide for SMEs
ISO 31000: Risk management – A practical guide for SMEs
Building linkages for export success: Trade Promotion Organizations and National Standards Bodies Working Together (English/French/Spanish)
ISO 9001 for Small Businesses: What to do - Advice from ISO/TC 176 (English/French)
Technical Regulations - Recommendations for Their Elaboration and Enforcement
Quality management bulletins
Traceability in food and agricultural products (English)
An Introduction to ISO 26000 and Social Responsibility (English)
5S: Good Housekeeping Techniques for Enhancing Productivity, Quality and Safety at the Workplace (English)
Building Technical Infrastructures to Support Sustainable Development and Trade (English - French -Spanish)
Exporting Seafood to the EU (English - French - Spanish)
Information Retrieval on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (English)
Introduction to ISO 22000: Food Safety Management (English)
An introduction to HACCP (English)
Directory of Marks and Labels Related to Food Safety, Environmental Integrity and Social Equity (English)
An Introduction to Ecolabelling (English)
Manual of Model Procedures and Guidance Notes on the Implementation of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) (English - French - Spanish)
Introduction to ISO 14000: Environmental Management Systems (English - French -Spanish)
Legal Metrology (English)
Invisible thin line: Quality assurance and well-being of the world (English - French -Spanish)
Overview of Conformity Assessment in International Trade (English - French - Spanish)
NON-TARIFF MEASURESThe Invisible Barriers to Trade – How Businesses Experience Non-Tariff Measures
Making regional integration work – Company perspectives on non-tariff measures in Arab States (English/Arabic/French)
Regulatory and procedural barriers to trade in Kazakhstan (English/Russian)
Non-Tariff Measures and the Fight against Malaria
Taxing Health: The relevance of tariff revenue from anti-malarial commodities
ITC Series on Non-Tariff
Measures: Company Perspectives:
Morocco (French)
The United Republic ofTanzania
Indonesia (forthcoming)
VOLUNTARY SUSTAINABILITY STANDARDSSocial and Environmental Standards: Contributing to More Sustainable Value Chains
The State of Sustainable Markets 2015
The State of Sustainable Markets 2016 (forthcoming)
ISO 50001 – Energy Management System: A practical Guide for SMEs
ISO 90001:2008 Diagnostic Tool
Influencing Sustainable Sourcing Decisions in Agri-Food Supply Chains
The Interplay of Public and Private Standards – Part III of Literature Review
When Do Private Standards Work – Part IV of Literature Review
The Chinese Market for Clothing
The Coffee Sector in China: An overview of Production, Trade and Consumption
Labelling of Natural Products: The United States Market
Labelling of Natural Products: The United States Market (Spanish)
The North American Market for Natural Products: Prospects for Andean and African Products
Trends in the Trade of Certified Coffees
Trends in the Trade of Certified Coffees (French)
Trends in the Trade of Certified Coffees (Spanish)
PACKAGING-RELATED STANDARDSMarket Analysis for Three Peruvian Natural Ingredients