Joining forces to help build capacity in Kyrgyzstan’s textile sector
BISHKEK – The Kyrgyz Technical University and the International Trade Centre (ITC) have joined forces to create a training center for skilled workers and managers in the textile and clothing industry, one of Kyrgyzstan’s fastest growing sectors.
An agreement has been signed as part of the Global Textiles and Clothing programme (GTEX), funded by Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and implemented by ITC.
The Kyrgyzstan textile and clothing sector is currently worth up to 15% of GDP and employs more than 200,000 people – more than 90% of whom are women.
But lack of technology, a shortage of skilled workers and managers and a high turnover of staff is slowing the industry down.
“Creating a specialized training centre will help tackle these issues and increase the export competitiveness of textile and clothing sector of Kyrgyzstan,” Indira Kadyrkanova, GTEX project coordinator, said.
The training centre will provide short-term courses for sewing operators as well as courses on Computer Aided Design (CAD) for patterns, gradient and marker making. There will also be advanced training for professionals currently working with CAD.
Lessons will be accompanied by practical classes, with experts teaching in how to use sewing machines, computers and CAD programmes. Students will be awarded a certificate at the end of the course.
The centre will be based on the campus of the Kyrgyz Technical University, which will provide space and sewing machinery for theoretical and practical classes, in the Kyrgyzstan capital Bishkek. A course curriculum and materials will be designed in partnership with GTEX specialists who will also help with the purchasing of CAD equipment.