ITC Publications
New technical paper
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Peru: Company Perspectives - An ITC Series on Non-Tariff Measures
recent ITC survey of 960 Peruvian companies shows that 40% face
challenges related to non-tariff measures, mostly in their major export
markets in the United States, the European Union and some countries in
Latin America. This report outlines survey results and policy options
discussed at a national roundtable in Peru in February 2012.
While Peru's exports doubled in five
years, the resources of specialized technical agencies have not
increased accordingly. Certification and inspection have thus become a
bottleneck. Information systems about NTMs need strengthening, as many
issues faced particularly by small- and medium-sized enterprises emerged
from their lack of knowledge about regulations. Peru has started
simplifying export and import procedures through a Single Window for
Foreign Trade. Relevant authorities and specialized agencies have yet to
further integrate processes and improve cooperation. Decentralization
of technical and logistical infrastructure can alleviate the strain on
capacities in the capital and drive export growth in the regions.
(available in English, will be available in Spanish)
New publication
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Combating Anti-Competitive Practices- A Guide to Developing Economy Exporters
practices can hurt developing country businesses. This book outlines
cases and suggestions for reform. It focuses on state monopolies and
abuses of dominant positions in infrastructure markets, anti-competitive
practices in the international distribution and retail sector, and
international cartels. The role and response of the private sector is
discussed, as well as the scope for enhanced international cooperation
to address these issues. By addressing anti-competitive practices and
market structures, businesses in developing countries will have stronger
export potential.
(available in English, will be available in French and Spanish)
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Publications are free in limited numbers for official trade-related institutions. For print copies, contact ITC Publications at: itcreg [at] (itcreg[at]intracen[dot]org).