ITC makes public results of technical-assistance projects
Geneva – Exporters and trade support institutions (TSIs) can for the first time track the outcomes of the International Trade Centre’s (ITC) technical assistance projects. With the click of a mouse these can now be accessed through ITC’s newly launched Development Results database.
‘Never before has the public had access to ITC project data in this much detail,’ said Jean-Marie Paugam, ITC’s Acting Executive Director. ‘The launch of this database reflects ITC’s efforts to increase accountability and transparency, and to enhance the export competitiveness of businesses in developing countries through results-based management.’
Robert Whitehead, ITC’s Chief of Strategic Planning, said: ‘Representatives from ITC’s donor and beneficiary countries can now monitor how effectively ITC implements technical assistance in the countries of their interest.’
Users of the new map-based tool can find information about trade-related technical assistance (TRTA) projects that were operating in a country, region or around the world in 2012. The data include information about project objectives, budgets, donors and indicators that measure project performance and track the progress of set goals.
For example, a user can click on Kenya on the map and see that the Netherlands Trust Fund (NTF) II project in the country focused on creating sustainable exporter competitiveness in the tree-fruit sector. One of the project indicators shows that ITC achieved its goal of developing three sector-development strategies by the fourth quarter of 2012.
In addition to clicking on the interactive map, users can filter data by selecting a specific sector, such as coffee, green technologies or tourism, or by selecting a specific donor. There is also an option to search by Millennium Development Goals.
‘Publishing these results is a crucial step towards greater openness and transparency. It helps us show how the organization is creating Export Impact for Good,’ Mr. Whitehead said.
For users looking for broader data, aggregated project results are available in the three target beneficiary groups of policymakers, TSIs and enterprises from developing or transition countries. Indicators and results are also categorized into intervention types, namely training and capacity building, advisory services, publications and trade intelligence.
The Development Results database features data on outputs and outcomes for 54 country projects, 36 regional projects and 18 global projects that were operational in 2012.
ITC is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations. ITC assists small- and medium-sized enterprises in developing and transition economy countries to become more competitive in global markets, contributing to sustainable economic development within the frameworks of the Aid for Trade agenda and the Millennium Development Goals.
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