ITC hosts a contest to select companies to participate in China International Fair for Trade in Services
With the support from the Ministry of Commerce of China, ITC’s “Expanding Developing Country Services Export through China International Fair for Trade in Services” (CIFTIS) project will fund, on a cost-sharing basis, 15 SME services exporters from developing countries to participate in the upcoming China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) to be held in Beijing from May 28th to June 1st 2016. More information about the trade fair can be found on this website.
ITC is hosting a contest to select the best companies to be sponsored by the project to participate in the CIFTIS trade fair. We invite exporters from developing countries engaged in services trade/e-commerce/digital trade to submit inspiring stories to take part in the contest. Your stories would be the determining factor for winning the contest.
The stories collected through the contest will also contribute to ITC’s study on e-commerce and digital trade of developing countries. The main objective of the study is to:
- illustrate through research and concrete case examples, the export potential of developing countries through e-commerce and digital trade,
- explore ideas on innovative business solutions in promoting e-commerce and services exports,
- identify the major challenges and bottlenecks and provide suggestions on how to create a more conducive environment to boost export from the developing countries, particularly through the internet, e-commerce and digital trade.
Click here to participate.