1210-Additional Standards
The EU Ecolabel, Fair for Life and Bio Suisse standards can now be queried on Standards Map!
The Standards Map team would like thank the sustainability initiatives for their fruitful collaboration.
- (The aim of Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July 2000 on a revised Community eco-label award scheme). To establish a voluntary ecolabel award scheme intended to promote products with a reduced environmental impact during their entire life cycle and to provide consumers with accurate, non-deceptive, science-based information on the environmental impact of products.
- The aim of the Fair for Life Social & FairTrade Programme is to ensure fair and positive relations between producers and their cooperatives or contracting companies, between workers and their employer, between seller and buyers on the world market while at the same time ensuring performance of standards.
- BIO SUISSE is an association of Swiss organic farming organisations was founded in 1981. Today this umbrella organization includes more than 30 agricultural member organizations and the research institute for organic farming. The first common standards for cultivation were approved in 1981 and at the same time the trademark of controlled organic farming, the Bud, was created. The principal benefit for organic farms is the label premium, i.e. the 15 - 50% higher prices that organic farmers earn for their produce. Secondly, they benefit from the measurable progress in improving market access for the Bud: a new Bud-labelled product appears almost daily, continuously expanding the position of Swiss organic products in the food market. The Swiss organic market and Bio Suisse have experienced vigorous growth over recent years. Today some 5700 Swiss organic farms are certified to Bio Suisse standards (representing 10% of all Swiss farms).