ITC @ European Development Days 2022
Global Gateway: Building sustainable partnerships for a connected world
This new European strategy is the focus of this year’s event. It aims to boost smart, clean and secure links in digital, energy and transport, and strengthen health, education§ and research systems across the world.
Join ITC at the stand or at events, virtually or in person.
Our stand: Connectivity for inclusive value chains
· Small business in digital trade
· Due diligence for sustainable value chains
· Data for powerful trade corridors
· Resilient agri-food systems
Staff from the following programmes will be present: Trade for Sustainable Development, Alliances for Action, NTFV FastTrackTech, Trade Market Intelligence/African Trade Observatory.
Our joint events
Sustainable and smart corridors
High-Level Panel with the International Trade Centre
European Commission - Directorate-General for International Partnerships
21 June, 11:10-12:10, Studio 4
Empowering digital innovation in Africa
Project/ Report Presentation
21 June, 14:35-15:20, Studio 2
Green Infrastructure to promote Economic and Industrial Growth in Africa
Brainstorming Sessions
African Union Development Agency/ITC/TMEA/GIZ
21 June 17:00-17:45, Brainstorming Room 1
Digitalization, the key to sustainable coffee?
Fairtrade International/ITC
21 June, 15:30-15:50, Agora space
Tracing textiles: Advanced technologies for sustainable value chains
Project/Report Presentation
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe/ITC
22 June, 12:05-12:50, Studio 2
Our exhibition
Photo exhibition: Small Businesses, Good Trade and the Sustainable Development Goals