L'ITC participe à la réunion du TICAD au Cameroun (anglais)
Representatives of the International Trade Centre (ITC) led by Acting Deputy Executive Director Ashish Shah attended the first Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) V Ministerial Meeting in Cameroon to evaluate progress made with the implementation of the Yokohama Declaration Action Plan 2013-2017.
Japanese government officials, African ministers and representatives of other TICAD partner organizations attended the event in Yaoundé from 4-5 May.
The TICAD V Ministerial Meeting was presided by Philemon Yang, Prime Minister of Cameroon, who said that he hopes deliberations during the Yaoundé meeting will reinforce ties between Japan and Cameroon, as well as the rest of Africa.
On the margins of the conference, Mr. Shah paid a courtesy visit to Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, Minister of Trade of Cameroon, who thanked ITC for its past work in the country. He emphasized the need to strengthen cooperation between ITC and Cameroon and requested that ITC provide assistance in the elaboration of trade-related technical assistance.