ITC launches NTM survey in Guinea (en)
ITC in June launched a survey on non-tariff measures (NTMs) in Guinea in response to a request from country’s Ministry of Trade. The survey, which will run until November, will seek to identify and better understand burdensome NTMs faced by Guinea’s private sector.
As part of the launch of the survey in Guinea’s capital Conakry, ITC on 6-12 June organized a week-long training session with Vision Consulting International, a local company that will carry out the implementation of the survey.
ITC also organized a meeting with Mohamed Dorval Doumbouya, Guinea’s Minister of Commerce, government representatives, trade support institutions and business associations to present the survey and outline the implementation process.
ITC staff also met Guinean customs officials in a bid to strengthen collaboration on exchange of trade and tariff data, as well as lists of exporting and importing companies.